Seeking Shalom:

Peacemaking in fractured spaces

MACCC FALL WORKSHOP- Saturday, October 19, 2023
Jesus prayed “Let your Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven.” One of the marks of the Heavenly Kingdom seems to be the pervasive presence of shalom, a biblical concept which
moves us beyond mere “peacefulness” and into wholeness, unity, and health. We are called to be peacemakers- people working alongside Jesus to reveal and reflect the Kingdom in this world. What does it look like to walk in that calling amidst division, disunity, and disruption? Spoiler: we can’t fix this world, but we can live as His ambassadors of reconciliation in the middle of it!
Join us as we journey throughout the day, exploring what it might mean for each of us to be
living images of shalom in broken places.

Our Workshop Leader ̶Tim Uthmann

Portrait of Tim Uthmann

Tim Uthmann longs for a world marked by shalom, where all of creation is moving toward healed wholeness. For over 15 years, he and his wife, Rachel, served forcibly displaced people in missional roles with One Collective and International Association for Refugees in
Europe and the USA. In 2023, Tim joined Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation in his current role as Executive Director. This opportunity weaves together many threads which have run through his life: a call to shepherd people, experience with those living in the margins, and a heart for healing in wounded communities. When he’s not busy learning how these threads come together, Tim loves spending time with his family, drinking good coffee, and enjoying God’s natural creation in a kayak or on a bike or walking a long path.

Registration cost $20, request registration materials at
Massachusetts Association of Congregational Christian Churches