Youth Group

Youth Group at FCC is about providing a safe, encouraging, faith-filled environment where youth from grades 5th through 12th can be who God has created them to be: creative, fun, loved for who they are, still kids, active, mentors for others, helpers, prayerful, mission minded, leaders, followers, individuals! Our motto is Love God, Love Others, Change the World which comes from the Greatest Commandment Jesus gave us in Matthew 22: 37-39. What better way can we show God’s love than by how we represent Him in the world?

Come and check us out in the Upper Room, Fridays at 6:00 pm, during the school year, unless otherwise noted. The summer schedule is filled with a wide variety of activities, such as SoulFest, movie nights, beach days and cookouts!! Check the calendar for details. 

There won’t be youth group on the days when there is contemporary worship.

WHO: anyone in grade 5-12

WHAT: meet new friends, go on adventures, play games, community service

WHERE: upper room at FCC Hanson

WHEN: Friday 6:00 – 8:00 pm

WHY: friends, faith, fellowship

Check the calendar for outings and events.
QUESTIONS????? ask at church or send us a message:

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