who are you?

One of my favorite old black-and-white Twilight Zone episodes involved an Army Lieutenant who developed the unfortunate “gift” of knowing which of his troops were going to die in battle that day.  He would see an aura around that persons’ face and, sure enough, that person died in the fighting.  One day, he was called back to HQ, and, wanting to look sharp, he decided to get a shave. Guess what he saw in the mirror? The show ends as, shortly after he leaves in a Jeep, you hear an explosion down the road.  

Which got me to thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if believers could see, even from a distance, an aura (or even a halo!) on fellow believers. Because in real life, everyone looks the same. We have no way at first glance of determining who is on God’s Team, and who is not.  

Looking at it from the other side, what do people notice when they see us? Clearly they don’t see an aura, so how would they know we are a Child of God, a follower of Jesus, and as one who is aided daily by the Holy Spirit? 

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” [Matthew 5:16]   

“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” [I Peter 2:12] 

These teachings of Jesus and Peter are similar in that they teach you how to live, but they also provide the reasons to live this way:  to give God the praise and glory He deserves. 

I will conclude with Paul’s teaching on how to live, and please take note that he also provides the reason to live this way:  

“Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.”[I Corinthians 9:19]  

Blessings, and Happy Summer, 
