Allow me to begin this milestone email by giving thanks.  I thank God for giving me a thought, a message, or a verse for 200 straight weeks.  And I thank all of you faithful readers who have encouraged me along the way, either in person or by replying to an email. I am always heartened when someone says that the message was just what they needed to hear that day.  Btw, I wasn’t the one who came up with the timing.  

Today, for something a little different, I’d like to submit some random thoughts – perhaps one of them will be meaningful to you.  I’ll start with the best bumper sticker I’ve ever seen: LIVE IT UP, SINNERS The message I get is that the future existence for the unrepentant is not good, so they should live it up now, while they still can.  

Similarly, “The life in the here and now is the closest most people will know of heaven. The life in the here and now is the closest believers will know of hell.” 

Here’s a comment that describes the importance of wealth: “He thought himself rich, but all he had was money.”  

Do you believe in prophecy? “History is prophecy fulfilled.  Unfulfilled prophecy is future history.” -author unknown (perhaps)    

Finally, let me close by sharing the best T-shirt message I’ve seen lately. I just happened to be watching the news (what were the odds!) and a story came on showing a Trump rally. The message on the shirt was a MAGA message:  MAKE AMERICA GOD’S AGAIN.  Yes, I believe that is absolutely necessary if we are to survive as a democracy.  And how do we make America God’s again?  One witness, one good deed, or one prayer at a time is a good start.  

