Welcome to our church

God’s table has plenty of extra seating.

St Paddy’s Day

Sat, March 15 @ 5pm we will be serving a Corned Beef dinner with all the trimmings!

Needed: entertainment ideas: line dancing, card games, other ideas? Also need kitchen helpers. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Kim Kressler. Please RSVP by March 1 by contacting the church office at office@fcchanson.org or 781-293-7997.
The cost is $10.

MACCC Annual Conference

Save the Date – March 15th.

The focus will be on the need for church growth and evangelism. We are looking to engage local churches to share their journey. The guest speaker will be Pastor Ben Feldott of the Cape Cod Church in East Falmouth. More details to follow. There will be a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.

5th Sunday!

5th Sunday Prayer & Praise Service @5:30pm.

Dinner and a Movie

Join us on the second Saturday of  the month for a tasty dinner and a great movie. Click here for details

Keith’s Friday Message

measured faith?

Here’s the question: can one’s faith be increased?

Prayer Meeting

2nd and 4th Sundays, 5:30pm, everyone welcome.

Pastor Posts

God is in the Rebuilding Business

Pastor Peter Smith reports on his deployment to Acapulco, Mexico December 2023 – January 2024 as part of the Disaster Assistance Response Team of Samaritan’s Purse.