Worship – What is worship? Whom do we worship?

To worship publicly, is to love, admire, adore, honor, address, celebrate, and give praise to One deserving of such attention with all means of human intention, and communication as depicted in the Bible including, music, poetry, drama, art, dance, and the reading of Holy Scripture.

We worship our Father God, known to us through scripture, and the mediating work of His son, Jesus Christ, prompted by the Holy Spirit. Our God is magnificent in His power, love, compassion, justice, and truth. Because of His Son’s sacrificial death on the cross, we are a forgiven people mercifully cleansed of our sins and free to approach Him without trepidation in love, and joyful celebration.

The Purpose of Our Worship – Why do we worship?

We worship our God because He is worthy to be praised, and we are His people. We enter into His presence to love Him, and to know Him. We worship to shake off the dust of daily living, and to restore our spirits in mindfulness of His great love, and majesty. We worship to celebrate the wonders of God’s deliverance from sin and death, and His sustaining mercies in the present as we live out our calling to follow His Son, Jesus Christ.