Church Leadership


The members of the Board of Deacons are primarily dedicated to the support and guidance of the  spiritual aspects of our life as a congregation and to providing tangible comfort and ministry to the unique and diverse needs of His children. The board has (up to) twelve members, and uses a team approach for accomplishing our main tasks including; a Worship Planning, Sacraments, Hospitality, Outreach, Pastoral Support and a Volunteers team. Though our teams are co-led by members of the Board of Deacons, all interested members of our church family are welcomed to join these teams to help us with our many tasks.


The Board of Trustees is responsible to the Congregation for the business, physical and financial well-being of the church. Specific tasks include proposing and managing the church’s budget, investing funds, hiring staff, and planning projects to maintain and improve the church building, parsonage and grounds.

Cranberry Council

The purpose of the Cranberry Council of Churches is to bring together the churches in the local area in order to strengthen community Christian fellowship, worship, communication and service. We meet 7 times a year and currently have 6 churches involved. Each church has 2 voting members and their pastor on the board. Pastor Peter, Renee Hearn and Ellie Hartz are the current board members.
We sponsor the following events: Souper Bowl in February, Wednesday Lenten services, combined choir concert, joint communion breakfast, Easter sunrise service and the Walk for Humanity in October. The money we collect goes to the Hanson, Halifax and Pembroke food pantries as well helping people in need in the local area. We also support domestic and international organizations.


The Missions Committee is  comprised of 5 members who meet on the first Monday of the month. The members work on various projects,  support missions and distribute funds to missions approved by NACCC, as well as charities recommended by church members. Missions and missionaries are reviewed periodically for maintaining criteria for funding. Need, evangelism and efficiency in providing support are explored during the evaluation. Church members are asked to select the amount of their offerings that will be used to make up our annual budget. Often members of the congregation designate funding to their favorite charities. Current mission projects are explained monthly in the church newsletter. Some missions that we support include: NACCC One Great Hour of Sharing, Hanson Community Christmas,  Hanson Food Pantry, Be Like Brit- Haiti Orphanage, South Shore Women’s Resource Center – Worthy Women Project, Father Bills Place/MainSpring Coalition for the Homeless, Teen Challenge- Brockton Ma, New Hope Correctional Ministeries, Blue Star Mothers, Seafarer’s Friend and Hospice of the South Shore.

Care Team

The Care Team is a small group from FCC formed as the result of the Vision Quest 2015 Retreat held last August in Plymouth, and attended by a number of our members.  This retreat was held to seek God’s guidance for new church endeavors in both the ideas and their implementation.   The Care Team visits church members and friends who are homebound, infirm, absent from worship, and new visitors. If you or someone you know would like a visit, please call  the church office 781- 293- 7997, or fill out the form on the Care Team page.

Christian Education

Our mission for Christian Education is to help our congregation KNOW Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, to GROW in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and to GO and share our faith with the community. We offer vacation Bible school and have a weekly youth group for 7th to 12th graders. 4th graders study and participate in Holy Communion. The Pastor teaches a 2 year Confirmation course on the New and Old Testament for 8th to 12th graders. New students can join in September, they meet on Wednesday evenings, see the calendar.