A quart of hot water

“What are you and God working on?”

In 1991, it was my privilege to attend the initial gathering of Renovare’, a church renewal movement organized by Richard Foster, perhaps most famous as the author of “Celebration of Discipline,” an international best seller. Renovare’ is from the Latin, but it looks like the word “renovate,” and that’s not to far off. It means “to make new again.” One thing I have always loved about the Renovare’ movement has been its recognition that Christians grow in more than one way. There is an

  • Evangelical stream of renewal, the Word-centered life, studying the Word of God and proclaiming it; a
  • Compassionate stream, working for Social Justice; a
  • Charismatic stream, seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, demonstrating the Fruit of the Spirit and seeking the Gifts of God’s Spirit; a
  • Contemplative stream, pursuing a Prayer-filled life; and a
  • Holiness stream, focused on the virtuous life and having victory over temptation.

As I’m sure you noticed, there is nothing mutually exclusive about any of these. Doesn’t our age call for Christians who are strong in all these streams?

Not too long after attending the Conference, I gathered 3 friends to meet together weekly for one hour to check in with each other and ask a series of questions that could be summed up with the above quote. It was my job to bring a quart of hot water, and each of us would make a cup of our hot beverage of choice. Just as there are exercises we can do to strengthen ourselves physically, so there are spiritual exercises. This gathering – we were 2 men and 2 women – were frank and honest with each other, but also held what was shared in the group in the strictest confidence. We sought first to listen, and only offered advice when invited to – though we all invited the others to do so frequently.

Carol and I came across the old Thermos that I would use for that meeting the other day, and it put me in mind of just how dearly I hold the memory of those early Thursday meetings.

Do you have a group of people that you let inside your heart? We are the stronger for it when we do.

Grace & Peace,


P.S. If anyone is interested in learning more about “Renovare'”, I would be happy to speak with you.